Friday, July 22, 2011

Do you remember..................... 

Just kidding!!!

How are you all - it's been ages - too long in fact!

So then do you remember the days when milk was available in cardboard cartons???  I do and when I first saw that crafty versions were around I was so excited about them.

I set about my scrap paper drawer (do you all have one of those and the stack never seems to go down?) and had a mess about and now I honestly can't stop making them - so much so that the teachers at school got them for thank you presents this year.....

I absolutely love making them and they are so cute - but they are versatile and can be embellished for many a situation.......I am a bit addicted so can't promise not to upload pictures of more!

On that note - we have a workshop running on Saturday 13th August where you will learn how to do so - and like me hopefully will love them too.  The workshop details will soon be added to the website and you will be able, as always, to book online or over the phone.  If you can't wait for this then do give us a call to book 01789 778074.

With that I'll leave you to have a little look and like I say there's a good chance I'll put some more pictures on over the next couple of days - just to show you how different they can be.

Take Care

Sam xxx

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