Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Marleen DT - Scull & Happy Halloween

Morning blogger friends..

Wednesday again already?? God time is flying :-)
Wednesday means my turn to post inspiration for
Its also means that there is only a few weeks to halloween..

In Denmark, where I come from, we dont celebrate Halloween and as neither me or my kids like scary stuff we never really done much for halloween. We also live so rural that no one comes for trick or treat.
However myself and a group of girls have each year started taking turns in hosting the various parties in the year. I hosted halloween last year and it was first time that I ever really went "to town" with halloween. And I LOVED it.. We decorated up sitting room and kitchen with all the "blood and gore" you can imagine lol.. It was great..

This year however its one of the other girls turn.. So I decided to do a little present to the hostess. And in keeping with my stamping candles of late, I made another one, just with halloween stamps.

Dont forget to visit my youtube channel if you want to see a little demo on how to do this.

The stamps Ive used or this candle is called:
You can find these stamps as well as all the other amazing stamps in the

 And that is all from me today.
Thank you for popping by and for any comments left behind.

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