Sunday, January 22, 2023

Alison CT - Using coloured inks with stamping tissue.

Hi everyone, today I'm sharing this art journal page, on which I have used Bee Crafty stamping tissue to create the background.
I began by creating a background in my Dina Wakley media journal using three spray inks. I left this to dry naturally whilst I created some of the other elements needed for this page.
Using one quarter of a sheet of the stamping tissue, I stamped a selection of elements from the journaling elements set 1 and 2 using three colours of versafine clair ink. This needs to be done with a waterproof ink, as they will be glued to the page using gel medium, which will reactivate and smudge non-waterproof inks. Also be careful what is under your tissue as the ink will bleed through.
Next I used a wet paintbrush and carefully tore the elements into seperate pieces.
Next I chose which elements I wanted on todays page. I used gel medium to glue them to the page. The remainder I have kept for another project.
I then used the metal work alpha with Ranger distress grit paste to add letters and numbers to the page. Leave to dry.
Next I stamped the 3 and 4 from the numbers stamp set with the monarch versafine clair and the numbers from the journal art elements 3 using medievil blue versafine clair.

Then I stamped five moths from the dragonfly stamp set using black ink and die cut them out. These I glued to the page with gel medium.

Finally I added two of the sticker sentiments to the page using gel medium to ensure they adhere to the rough surface.

Products used:
Dina Wakley gloss spray - blackberry, rouge
Distress oxide spray - picked raspberry 
Art stamps - journal art elements 1, 2, 3
Art stamps - numbers; dragonfly and die set
Versafine Clair - nocturne, monarch, medieval blue  charming pink
Inkable 6x6 - metal work alpha

Thanks for taking a look 


  1. Thank you for sharing this project. I love all the different textures and thank you for the info in the stamping tissue paper im surprised how it disappears into the background so well so you can't see the edges. Great colours and project - thank you
