Wednesday, March 15, 2023

CAS Card by CT Ann

 CAS Card 

By Ann 


 Sketchy Flowers #1

Journal Essentials #1 

Freehand Boarders #1

Mixed Messages #1


Big Ones - Circles for Circles

6x6 Perspective Circles 

Tags #4

Distress Oxide Inks:

 Weathered Wood / Salvaged Patina / Saltwater Taffy

Versafine Clair Morning Mist & Nocturne 

Masking Tape

I started with a piece of smooth card 14cm x 14cm & masked off two sides of the card… 

Next I used Weathered Wood through the Circles for Circles Inkable…

Then I placed the Tag ‘wobbly lines’ Inkable over the previously inked circles, brushing Saltwater Taffy through it… 

Next I put the Perspective Circles Inkable on to the card & used Salvaged Patina… 

Using the stars from Journal Essentials & Versafine Clair Morning Mist I stamped over the Oxides … 

On a separate piece of card I stamped a flower from the Sketchy Flowers #1 set, in Versafine Clair Nocturne & cut it out… 

Then I stamped & cut out a sentiment from Mixed Messages #1 in Morning Mist…

After removing the masking tape I stamped one of the boarders, from Freehand Boarders #1 set along the bottom of the stencilling. I also stamped the flower on to the card as I didn’t want to cut all the fiddly bits out …

After gluing the flower & sentiment to the card & added some fine black splatters to the background. 

To finish I layered this on to a dark grey piece of card & a 6x6 card blank… 

Thank you for stopping by… Ann xxx

1 comment:

  1. I love a CAS card. The colour is very delicate and soothing . Thank you the detailed description of your methods
