Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Da Vinci Creations

Good Afternoon Crafters,

Julie has been a very busy little bee craftier over the last few days, which mostly means she has been up to her eyeballs in Distress Inks playing, but I have to say she has come up with some gorgeous NEW samples using the Bee Crafty stamp ranges

This is a tag made using the Da Vinci Vitruvian Man which is A7 insize (approx 9cm tall) and has a gorgeous script detail top and bottom. She has also used the small Being Happy WORDage stamp which at only £1.99 is a fabby bargain, the backgrounds have been inked using distress inks as well as the stamps being inked up with distress (we love it).

TOP TIP: Julie does like to prime her acrylic stamps before using with an archival inkpad before their first use, but just using your regular choice of inkpad and stamping a few times on scrap paper will work too.

This is a card also made using the Vitruvian Man stamp, with lots of Distress Inkpads and distress edges 

 The brass embellishment is an old button with the back nipped off

 The sentiments is the small Decision to Try WORDage again only £1.99 and stamped on a blank puzzle piece with distress ink.
I hope you like the new samples if you'd like to see them in the flesh/take your own photos of them , please feel free to pop into the shop and have a gander

Bev x

Remember it is our Crafty Crop THIS Sunday and we do have a couple of spaces available due to a last minute cancellation.

A Cropping session for you to come and craft to your hearts content we alltend to work on whatever our current project is at the time be that an

altered project, page or card.

You bring your stash and we provide the refreshments cake & biccies.

NEWBIES always welcome :)


  1. These are gorgeous.I love that Vitruvian Man stamp.

  2. love it ,,& the puzzel piece , uks lemonblossom

  3. Love both pieces, it's ideas like these that keep us going, more please Julie xx
