Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ooooh research Trip

Good Evening All,

Well it's been another gorgeous but VERY hot day today locally and  because it was sooo gorgeous Julie and I decided to go on alittle research trip. Stamps such as the BEAUtanicals are inspired by real things in nature not cartoony or illustrated (wait for it though they are on their way)

So today we went out looking for NEW inspiration for the BEAUtanicals whch involves taking loads of photos and the breaking them down to find the best images. Well we are lucky enough to live only a few miles from the cotswolds and this morning we went to see the lavender fields.

Me and Julie took loads of photos as especially with the bright sunlight you can never see how good/bad they are till they get loaded and then you get distracted by other close ups

So here is a few more we took and as always if you have any ideas of stamps you'd like make sure you let us know via the facebook page or email

Bev x


  1. Oh, so gorgeous... would love to live here - imagining the smell as I type! Great photos!
    Alison x

  2. Oh they look pretty.
    C xx

  3. Stunning photos-look forward to seeing if it leads to some new stamps!

  4. Stunning photos- i'll bet the smell was heavenly too!

  5. Beautiful scenery, lovely photos x
