Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Marleen DT, Maidenhair

Morning everyone..

Today I have once again had a play with the stamp called "Maiden hair".
I love this stamp and really enjoyed making this card.

 I just love the outcome of this card. It all started with me stamping the stamp with stazon ink. Only the ink ripped my paper when I lifted the stamp. So i simply turned over the cardstock and stamped again but used the black distress ink. 

Once I had stamped the image all round, I added red distress ink round the edges and spritzed the whole thing with water. It all smudged lovely.
But to really show the stamp of, I took my glue pen and drew on top of the image and covered with embossing powder.

To finish of the card, and to give it a real sparkle, I covered the whole card with a fine layer of gold Mica powder (sorry it cant be seen on the pictures), added the bow and flower to finish.

And that is it from me for this week.
Thank you for stopping by and for any comments left behind.

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