Monday, September 04, 2017

Lorre-Anne DT - Hochanda samples

Hi bloggers, for this weeks post I'm sharing all the samples I made for the recent Bee Crafty shows on Hochanda last Friday.... and it's Halloween!  I've had so much fun using these stamps, I've never really made any Halloween cards before, so this was all new to me.  The stamps by Bee Crafty are amazing....

What I used -

7" x 5" card made using Distress Inks

6" x 6" card made using Distress Oxides

6" x 6" card made using Distress Oxides

8" x 8" card made using Dylusions sprays

Lustre Luxe tag

Twist & pop card - Distress inks

Twist & pop open

Twist & pop partially open

Tag made using Distress Inks

To see what my team mates have been getting up to pop over to the Buzzy Goings on at Bee Crafty blog.

I'll be back next week to share another DT project with you all...until then happy crafting!

Hugs, Lorre-Anne x


  1. Wow these are fabulous Lorre-Anne. Some amazing work x

  2. These are all gorgeous "stamples" Lorre-Anne ❤ Lovely job on tge twist&pop card!

  3. Fab and spooky selection of cards. I must have a go at the pop and twist. x

  4. All of them are so beautiful. Hugs xx

  5. Awesome spooky projects

  6. Love this range. I was so inspired by your samples I bought the whole collection! Leanne xx
