AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about that I am having what is commonly known as "a day".Ever feel as if you your walking uphill into a headwind well that's my day!. Anyway some good news is that there are
Christmas peel offs on the web and glittery ones two which are really gorgeous and in the glittery ones there are leaves
that go together to make a poinsettia medallion, if I get chance I'll make a sample so you can see what I mean. There is also a new page on the
scrapbooking gallery with a picture of my gorgeous nephew on it we all call it his catalogue shot look how gorgeous he is

. Also Pat I have put the picture of the card made with the
xyron on so go and have a look, There is also some lovely
Christmas decoupage sheets they are really good quality so if you want a special card for some-one, alternatively they are step by step so they're easy enough to do for everyone. The boss has confirmed she will
definitely do a prize for the best
Christmas card we get, I think it's going to be a goody bag,
yey may favourite. Remember if you have any questions you can go
through the
feedback page of the website, (and read what others have said about us) or just comment on a post and it comes straight to me, I'll try and get a new
Christmas card posted for you tomorrow and also I'm going to be bringing you some gorgeous festive card, acetate, and vellum that's been heat foiled called
Panaché (ooh it even sounds
luscious . We've had lots of deliveries over the past couple of days including, card, paper, p
eeloffs, decoupage, c
ardpacks, l
aplights, and so much more which is why I've been slow with the blog. I'll try and let you know all we've had ASAP or you can always pop in.
Happy Crafting & We'll talk soon
ev -x-