I woke up this morning and thought yay me and Sam in the shop today (Sam's my little big sis) VAT's done invoices are done I can spend the day adding to the site and yeah can be hard work but that'll be relaxing, because although Sam herself is a complete and utter loony tune, she's great fun and always positive, so has the day been relaxing I think NOT! It's been relatively manic here today so I've been rushing in and out plus there is a burst water main in the car park whicjh isn't causing massive problems but it is causing a loud high pitched humming in the pipes above us in the workshop, which is fine in the shop because you can't hear it but it's busting my noggin in here, and isn't this rain becoming a nightmare but I have to say it's actually all my fault, you see three weeks ago Dave and me bought a barbecue and patio set and that's when the weather changed you see so I can only assume it's me saying that when isn't it :)I apologise that the meet the team page isn't up and running yet I hope to get it done soon, but everytime I take my camera out of my bag everyone runs, what's all that about? Anyway I'd better go and get some more done.
P.S Nearly forgot, the picture is of a fabby paper flower made using the Anna Griffin Template set we've just had in & we've also got the new Scrapbook Inspirations, Making Cards & Papercraft Essentials incase anyone fancies some reading material whilst they're hiding from the rain.