Monday, December 15, 2008
10 Sleeps!!!!!!
So how are we all this morning - mad dashing about getting the last few bits and pieces or so organised that you are just chilling out?
As I have mentioned the January sale has already started here at Bee Crafty with a discount of 10% off everything. We have also made the discount on ALL CHRISTMAS STOCK 40% OFF however this is IN STORE ONLY so come and grab yourself some bargains.
As always this time of year can be popular for Gift Vouchers and whilst they are normally in denominations of £5 they can be of any amount for Christmas - for example its 2008 if you wanted to give £20.08 then that is absolutely fine - just give us a call on 01386 831123 to discuss your requirements - this goes for anything not just the Gift Vouchers lol.
The full list of opening hours over the Christmas period will be on the website shortly however i thought I would let you know that the published opening hours for Christmas Eve are 9.30am until 2pm, I must stress that if you need us to be here any earlier or later then call up and let us know because it is absolutely no problem.
As we move into the New Year a new workshop list is in the making. Workshops vary from 2 hours to a full day dependant on the subject. They can be booked online or in store and as always give us a call if there is a particular subject that you would like to cover - the more notice we have the better as we can then spend the time trying to fill the extra spaces for you.
Well I'll leave it there for today, hope you're all having a great day.
Take Care
Sam xxx
Monday, December 08, 2008
16 days to go!!!!
Well just 16 days to go until Christmas ladies and gentlemen! Are you all ready and prepared?
Here at Bee Crafty we had a busy weekend - the park on which we live had a Christmas Fair - Santa popped in too!! Yesterday was our monthly crop so the shop was very lively with lots of giggles and laughter - not sure how much scrapping got done though lol. THE JANUARY CROP WILL NOT BE THE 1ST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH BUT THE SECOND WHICH IS SUNDAY THE 11TH OF JANUARY. Our crops are very informal - lots of tea, biscuits and chatter - but also with a great bunch of people with a wealth of experience, it's a wonderful opportunity to meet up with people who have the same aim - to preserve the wonderful memory of the photo's we take in a more detailed way. If Scrapbooking is something you are interested in but have not yet taken the leap then either call into the shop or call/email us for advice - only too happy to help.
As I mentioned last week the sale is on now at Bee Crafty - with a minimum 10% off all stock and much more off other things. Don't forget your promotional code of JAN09 to get your discount.
From January we will have a new workshop list so if there are any projects/topics you are keen to learn about please let us know and we will incorporate it into the programme.
I shall leave you with that now - hoping you all have a wonderful day!
Sam xxx
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Who fancies a bargain???
All I can say is sorry, you poor lot have been abandoned - but we're back to blogging!!!
So how have you been? We have been super busy getting a few new things in place, the most important one (for you guys) is the SALE!!!! Up and running since yesterday the sale has started - 10% off ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!!!! There is also further discounts on other things but like i say a bare minimum of 10 % off - the discount is also available online just pop JAN09 into the promotion area and you'll get your discount!!!!
Those of you who are in the area or just fancy a jolly out at the weekend there will be a Christmas Fair on the park this saturday - 6th December with Santa, and stalls including sweets, soaps, jewellery, christmas cards and wrapping and of course hand crafted items. There will be a barrell organ for the real christmassy feel so pop over and have a mooch round - 10am - 4pm.
Well I'll keep this one short and leave you to it for now and I promise I'll be back soon!
Take Care
Sam x
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry :)
Okay so I am officially rubbish, I have abandoned the blog of late and I should have my butt kicked. However there has been a lot going on at Bee Crafty.
Oooooh and Abi has cut her first tooth which is so exciting, I was so proud of her which I know sounds really daft but I was Hee Hee.
Anyway back to the shop Christmas has been booming in the shop for well over 8 weeks now and there is more to come, a gorgeous new range by Basic Grey is on the way and there is some gorgeous products in.
Right and on to the Christmas Open Day which is only a week on Saturday, we are going to be showcasing (is that the right word NO IDEA), we are having Kayleigh in using the Zig Calligraphy pens and she's bringing with her some fantastic new metallic calligraphy's which will really had a touch of pizazz to cards & tags.
Ady will be doing some fantastic things with stamps, using medallions the Christmas Cute Companions, colourings and some fancy tags and possibly lanterns. Well lets just say she's got loads in the pipeline and I think she's just having fun getting all the samples ready and every time she does she gets a new idea and decides something else to her demo, so what I will say is if there is something you really fancy learning on the day et her know and I'm sure she'll show you.
Like Ady Sam & Julie (mother)are having a whale of a time coming up with make & take samples for the open day, the problem with that is that they are still coming up with them and there is only s many we can do so they will have to fine tune it down.
Now I am going to be doing glass baubles, these look beautiful when done make a great Christmas gift addition. Using Mica powders and glass baubles to make individual baubles to make your Christmas tree and decorations or that of your friends an family.
So again I am so sorry but I hope that's given you enough to take on for the next few days ~and I will get back to you when there is new goodies in the meantime.
Saturday 8th November - Christmas Open Day
Bye Bye
Bev x
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Thank you & our First Wedding Fayre
All the charities that attended got some fanatstic support and all of us that were invloved on the park really enjoyed ourselves
I will get some pictures on son.
Well a few weeks ago we officially launched the Wedding Elements by Bee Crafty side of Bee Crafty. We have already helped lots of Couples, Party Goers and family memebers make invites favors and table plans for Weddings & other celebrations, but now we are going to focus on bringinf gorgeous handmade wedding stationery to those who may want the look but really don't want to make it. Of ciourse if there is anyone who still wants to do that we will.
We will be at the Riverside Hotel in Evesham on Sunday to show off our brand new ranges of Handmade Wedding Stationery, Bombionieres, Favor Boxes, Table Confettis & Table Plans. We're really looking forward to it and we're just putting a few final bits together. Sally from the Bridal Boutique next door will be there as well, her dress are B E A Utiful, (well I've ordered mine from there).
In fact did you know you could pretty much take care of nearly your whole wedding by coming to Cadbury Courtyard we have:
BEspoke Wedding Staionery made by yours truly
Bridal Boutique
Studio 3 Photography
Willow Floral Designs
& for a very special hen do or relaxtion for the new couple how about hiring a hit tub from Complete Spas
(Sam has had one for her birthday so I will get her to report back)
Wel I think I have gopne on for long enough
Cheers everyone
Bev xx
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sugar Craft & Kelly Panacci Holiday Collection
It will be running on Monday evenings for 4 weeks 7pm - 9pm and it is to make this absolutely beautiful C Spray.

You can book here
And for the paper crafters, let's face it there is denying it Christmas is upon us. I popped into Tesco after work tonight and notice the aisle as I walked in was empty, and I have this funny feeling when I go in to do my shopping next week there will be Christmas Crackers.
Now you may think I'm just telling you this to be mean, but guess what I'm not.
I'm doing it to tell you about the beautiful new Christmas Collection. It's called the Holiday Collection from Kelly Panacci. It is a lovely combination of sage greens, dusky reds, smokey blues & creams.

There are 12 12x12 Papers, Cardstock Stickers, 5 Essentials Accents and a stunning chipboard medley and minibook kit.
Have a look and let us know what you think, I really think it has enormous potential for card makers, scrapbookers and those of us that like to make those extra special things for Christmas like ornaments, altered books and art.
Thanks for having a look and I'll try and bring you some more later in the week
Bev x
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Holland Goodies!!!
Hundreds of Cuttlebug Folders
Cuttlebug Dies
Prima Flowers
Prima Say it in Crystals
Core'dinations Super Assortments in 6x6 & 12x12
Bling Bling Doodles Templates
Restocks of Blue Awning
A whole load of Noteworthy
2cm Wooden Alphas & Numbers
A New Range of clear stamps
Christmas Embroidery Templates
Provocraft Masking Tape
Making Memories Blank Calenders
Ranger Ink Blending Tool
Marianne Scraplabels
Le Boutique Albums
and that is all I can remember at the moment. Please bear with me while I get it all on the web. If you can't wait and you can, come into the shop. All the products are now out in the shop and I will be adding them on as soon as I can. Or if there something specific you want off that list gimme a call.
As you may or may not have seen we have an offer on the Cricut. This is a limited stock offer. The original Cricut Machine for only £175, it comes with a George cartridge, cutting mat and instructions but as always if you want us to go through it with you first come in to the shop and will give you a demo and a play to check this is the right machine for you.
Right it's getting on and I'm sure you want me to get back to adding stuff to the site.
Bev x
Monday, September 01, 2008
Pinch Punch First of the Month
Well there is no doubt about it I'm rubbish I haven't finish the Pebbles Inc Share & Tell to the website however I have added the absolutely stunning Basic Grey Eva. I was in the shop yesterday and have started putting together a lovely PAge to show some of the papers off as soon as it's finished I will let you know.
I have also added some fabby new Cuttlebug Folders to the site includng the borders.

These are excellent value for money and are just so great. We do have some Christmas cut and emboss still to go on so I will try to get that done.
Okay the boss went to one of our warehouses yesterday to learn some great new things for you and she also brought back loads of goodies. Including, new H2O's, Cosmic Shimmer, NEW Beariations and the Distress Inks are back.
We wil be reintroducing the Tim Holtz Distress Ink Pads to the Website as the fabulous creator of Beariations has shown Julie some great new techniques to use with the beariations and I will be adding some photots of her fantastic samples (and the full range of stamps) to the website today.
Well I better go and finsihing getting ready and de-weetabix Abi.
Bev x
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I did it!!!!! Ooh & Next Crop Date
So I grabbed my micro SD adapter, plugged into the computer and thought weyhey, but alas not a photo to be found. So I put it back in the phone realise I had to copy all the photos over and then upload them.
Well what should have been a minor task has turned into an all out saga, involving editing photos blah de blah de blah, however I now have the photos of our new found use for the wheelable totes

Now come on tell me that's not cool. I must say I have learned to love the camera in my mobile it has over 5MP and is fab for gettting the shots that I might miss trying to get my camera out of the depths of my bag. So don't undersestimate them, fabby invention.
Okay so I'm still working on the Pebbles Inc Share and Tell Pages getting the pictures for them is becoming a real pain in the bum but they shall be done soon.
For anyone who is interested in our Crops, they are usually on the first Sunday of every month however for September it will be on the 2nd Sunday (14th) as we are off on a buying trip. The shop will still be open however so be sure to pop on over.
Right I've got to go get ready as I'm at chubby club tonight (don't think those scales are going to be nice to me tonight)
See you later
Bev x
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Reclaiming the Blog
Sam has done a runner to Spain on holiday so I have reclaimed the blog. I had hoped to upload a fantastic photo of a new use we have found for the PM Wheelable Totes, however it's on my phone and I have not yet masterered how to download them so I will keep you in suspense hopefully master it tomorrow and get you the photo within the next 48hours.
So how are we all my little blog hoppers. I hope you are well, and trying to make the most of our summer. The good thing about this kind of weather as it gives us time to craft. This can be hard this time of year due to the Back to School rush but lets try and make some time for ourselves.
We have had some fab products in at Bee Crafty recently and to be honest I have not been able to keep up with them (I know I'm rubbish) so if you live in drivable distance please pop in as this is the best and quickest way to see all the new products.
My favourite at the moment is the Pebbles Inc Share & Tell Range

It's albums, creative pads & journalling pads. It is designed, for example, if you have a series of photos but only scrap one you can display the rest of the series in an adjacent sleeve.
Cardmakers do not despair the Pebbles Inc Creative pads in this range are 4x6 perfect for C6 cards and it's not only papers in there, there are stickers too, with a bit of layering the card possiblities are excellent.
This range should be finished on the website in the next couple of days but feel free to pop in e-mail or call us with any enquiries about this and any of our other products.
Right I'm going to sign of with that as my little munchkin has had her first cold and teeth coincide which means no sleep for me so I'm going to catch some Z's before the night shift.
Bev x
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Its the weekend
Apologies it has taken me until now to chat but we are only just breaking free from the boxes that turned up in the shop full of goodies to play with.
I have to say that inside these boxes were some of the most wonderful products from a variety of suppliers hence we have been busy getting it all unpacked. This coupled with the workshops in the daytime and evening this week its been non stop. The workshops were great fun so thank you to those who participated and a thank you to those of you who are coming into not only the workshops but the shop itself in the near future.
So there were H20's, Glass Baubles and Paper Trimmers just to start with. As some of you will know the Twinkling H20's are shimmery watercolour cakes that can be used on a variety of bases including paper, canvas and wood. They offer a non toxic and acid free lightfast finish and give an incredible finish on dark card so use able in a variety of situations for a variation of recipients.
The baubles are amazing in a few different shapes they are clear glass and available in conjunction are some glitter kits to decorate them with - the decoration is done from inside and there are full instructions within the decoration kit.
As soon as links are available to these pages I will put them on here for you but if you cant wait then contact the shop via email or phone and we will accommodate your needs as best we can.
Can I also point out that the September Crop will now be on the 14th September.
Ok all done for today hope you are all well.
Take care
Sam xxx
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Tuesday twitterings
Hope your all well.
Well yesterday was busy with customers from all over the place - nice to see you all. I dare not say old faces again in case Karen comes after me!! :)
We had a few deliveries yesterday some absolutely stunning card which I am sure will make it onto the website soon - some in my signature colour of pink and black so I shrieked with delight as I sat and checked it all off the delivery note. In the same box were some magical peel offs some metallic pink, purple, green and blue ooooh they are lovely and with my new found love for peel offs I will definately be making a purchase!
So just as I finished checking all of that off another package arrived with some themed papers for the 4 countries that make up the UK - again these will be winging their way to the website soon no doubt.
Another thing for me to mention is that there is an evening workshop this Thursday - 7-9pm it's the Envelope Wall hanger at a cost of £15. Those of you that have seen the sample in the shop will know its a great little project and for those of you that haven't and want to join in you can book via the website or just give us a call.
Well that's me over and out
Take Care
Sam x
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Where did summer go?
Who's hidden the sunshine?
Sorry it would appear that a post I made tail end of last week isn't showing up so not sure what happened but here I am anyway. Well the last week in the shop has been very busy and we have seen lots of old faces and lots of new ones so thanks to everyone who has been in and a thanks to those of you planning a journey over to see us. The new premises seems to be a big hit with you all and with the other things on site there is something for everyone - and a great little cafe with super butties!!!
So lets talk about crafting - aren't there some great products out there just now! At the moment as I mentioned last time there are things arriving all the time. For those of you with a love for inks you may be familiar with the brilliance dewdrop pads - well they have brought out the Memento dewdrop - in this great little shape it gives the advantage of being greatly use able - doesn't take up much space in our craft rooms and its brilliant! They are fade resistant and give a super even coverage! well worth a go!
Something else we also now have are the "snow" products - great for those Christmas scenes. That said the snow color can be altered with the acrylics and for the more precise work there are the snow writers one just snow and another glistening for that crispy snow look - all of these products can be found here.
The Clearance section is still open on the website with some great bargains including papers, paper stacks and chipboard. A good opportunity to grab some great quality goods at lower prices.
Well with that I'll leave you to it
Take care
Sam x
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Christmas anyone?
Ok then how are you all getting on with the task of Christmas cards? Anyone not started yet and looking for a nice range to be going on with? Then allow me to introduce you to the new Dovecraft ranges! There is the Contemporary Christmas then Victorian Christmas and lastly but by certainly no means least Winter Wonderland. Within the 3 of these Ranges there truly is something for everyone - they include some great products to run alongside the papers i.e brads, shakers and sticky ribbons - and that's just for starters!
As I mentioned earlier in the week we have had a few deliveries this week - and today was no different - some die cut decoupage, ribbon and out of the boxes from yesterday - Bind-it-All accessories including the acrylic covers, canvas covers and board covers (plenty more too) so there is plenty coming in all the time and as always if there's something you can't see that you want then let us know and we will see what we can do.
I had to put a card together today for someone who passed their driving test - I'll put a picture up tomorrow - just in case the recipient hasn't had it yet.
Can I also just say that up until very recently I didn't use peel offs, then when making a sample I have really found a use for them! The ones that I use the most are the edges and corners - I think they give a fantastic finish and can really make all the difference. They are also very popular with the Keepsake cards - again the edges set these particular cards of brilliantly.
Can I also just say a massive congratulations to Alex (One of our regular croppers) and her husband Mike on the arrival of their beautiful daughter - congratulations guys she's beautiful!
Well with all that I'll leave you to it.
Take Care
Sam xxx
Monday, July 28, 2008
Spoke to soon
See there was me raving on about the lovely weather and BANG - thunder and lightening - dogs are going crazy - dear o dear!!!!
Anyway how are are we all - well I hope? Workshop was fab today and thank you very much to the ladies who took part - I'll get you a picture of the workshop sample to have a butchers at as and when I can.
Well as promised the lovely Beverley built you a great page on those spangly new things and here it is. Now these are marvellous - they are great for presents, or just something you want to make for yourself or just give the kit to someone. They are very reasonably priced and you get loads in the kits so well worth the money.
Also in the shop today we took about 4 deliveries one of which was stacked with Eno Craft embellishments - this page will be updated very soon as there were lots of new ones in there. Also for those of you who love decoupage but sometimes need something a bit more quirky there is a new range that has just come into stock and will be available on the website soon - unfortunately for Bev she has a gazillion things to do (like keep me and mum under control) as well as the website so bear with us - it will be done as soon as possible.
This was just the box I opened - there is lots more to come and as soon as I know what it is I will be only too glad to let you know - alternatively if there is something you are looking for by all means email us or give us a call - only too happy to help!
Oh and just quickly before I go - the new Scrapbook Inspirations is in stock.
Take care you guys
Sam x
Sunday, July 27, 2008
It's still Summer!!!!!!
Wowee isn't this weather beautiful - I'm a nice shade of pink lol
Anyhoo - the shop this weekend has been great, yesterday I was putting together the sample for tomorrow's workshop - The Envelope Hanger - its a great little piece that, using the right papers, could be used for any situation. I have gone with Christmas because you all know how fast it turns up and the Christmas Cards/Gifts that we all make need to be started soon in time to get them all done. There are still a couple of places so if you want to join in you can book online or call us in the morning - its running 10 - 12 so will be nice to see you if you have the time to pop in.
WE have had a few new things added to the website this week - the new Creating Keepsakes Magazine which I have to add is blinkin marvellous - This in my opinion is one of the Benchmark magazines in this field - giving plenty of ideas that are achievable and also brilliant! We have also had new papers and albums added - you can see the new products on the Home Page. Bev always puts them on a banner so you can see what the latest products to the Website are. I have to just say thank god she can manage our website as I wouldn't have a clue - GO BEV!!!!
Today the boss was working with some new products that will be added to the website tomorrow - stunning alterable items that come as a kit with themed papers and embellishments - stunning! When I blog tomorrow I'll add a link to the page for them and you can have a look.
As I hope you all know the Shop is open every Sunday through the summer - next week is the crop - £5 11am - 4pm and like I say the shop will be open so you can crop and shop if you fancy. There are a few spaces left - so anyone who fancies a go come along.
Well I shall leave you with all that and we'll catch up tomorrow.
Take care
Sam x
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Wednesday again
I promised you a pic of the page we made from the Scrap a kit workshop so here it is.............
What we have is a die-cut 12x12 layered onto a plain black with some co-ordinating papers and cards which adds texture and depth to the page. There is also a strip of cream ric-rac ribbon with buttons used to again add texture to the page. The colours tie in well with the picture and I chose the very apt title of "Your never fully dressed without a smile". The title was cut with the Cricut machine and one of the many cartridges available.
There are still places in the Workshops we are running so to book please call us on 01386 831123 or book online by clicking here.
Well its the school holidays so there should be lots of piccies being taken and opportunities for scrapping them after - and the crops are running monthly - next one is 3rd of August again call us or book online.
Well I will leave it there hope your all enjoying the holidays.
Take Care
Sam xxx
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Hope I find you all well.
Well then what have you all been up to today - I have been making preparations for the Scrap-a-kit workshop this Friday. Its a real nice kit with some great colours - and there are still some spaces left if you would like to join in.
Also today I have been trying to have a mess about with the placement of all the new cuttlebug embossing folders, die-cutters - there are loads of them so keep your eye on the web page for them being added - alternatively drop us an email if there is something in particular that you are looking for and we will see if there is anything that we can do for you. There are some brilliant designs in the Disney range to for those of you that just can't resist Mickey!!! I just think they give a great finish and at such a reasonable price it's not so bad buying a couple.
I managed to have a go with the Basic Grey file set today - bloomin eck it's good - I'd cut out some letters and just had a few rough edges and they were brilliant. Great for in the tiny corners that sanding blocks just won't reach - very good indeed. If you fancy a look you can find it by clicking here.
With that I am off to finish the end of term presents.
Take Care
Sam xxx
Monday, July 14, 2008
Back to it!!!
Right then this is it Open day over and done with and the clean up is well under way - bless my poor mum!!!
So I thought what I would do this week is give you a taster of some of the things that can be crated with just a small selection of the products we were using on the open day. Today's pictures are of cards that were made by our lovely demonstrator Linn Yates - got the spelling right this time.
The first one is a card created from the Majestic Board
Now what you can't from the picture is the quality of this card. It's done with pearlescent card to accent the embossing as much as possible and with the peel off edging strips used sparingly the whole card is given texture and balance with suitability for such a wide range of recipients this board is a sure thing to create a card for everyone.
The next one is off the media and pastimes board
Now with the forefront of the card completed in pearlescent card and the main stick of the card done in the leather effect card this board gives some great scope for cards for the men in our lives - arguably the most difficult people to make cards for this board throws this group a lifeline and something to make our lives a little easier!
Anyhoo hope your all well and getting those presents and cards made for the teachers who finish their term this week - I know that's what I am doing tonight!!!
Take care everyone
Sam xxx
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Big Thankyou
Well first and foremost can I please say a big thank you to everyone who attended the open day yesterday and all of the people who made it happen.
With people arriving just after 9 there was never a break in the enthusiasm shown by the customers, wonderful demonstrators, staff and helpers. The make and takes were great fun with some great things being taken away - was nice to be able to see so many of you enjoy it.
As we told you there were 2 wonderful demonstrators - for those of you that came I think you would agree that both Lyn and Lindsay (hope i spelt the names right) were brilliant and sat there like troopers all day to give you the maximum they could. Well done and thank you again ladies.
The lucky dip was cleared out with some great prizes in there and we managed some great offers for you - with something for everyone.
Never before have we seen so many people in our shop in one go - the most wonderful thing about that was that it was an even split of new customers and our very faithful regular customers. With the ever changing craft industry there is always something new and exciting so with new customers coming into the business too it's a great time to mix our ideas and wants and needs and come up with some magical products.
As you may know we run weekly workshops which begin again very soon and we look forward to seeing you. You can book in store or on the website by clicking here also if there is a project you want to do and can't see it there please do email us and we will work something out for you without a doubt.
OK with that I shall leave you too it and look forward too seeing you all very soon.
Thanks again - you are great!!!
Sam xxx
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Well there is just a few days to go now and the new shop is taking great shape with the new areas marked out and bits and pieces making their way over there now - however the vast majority of stock is still in Port Street its a bit squished up but its all there! lol
Nice to see so many of you today and thank you so much to everyone who has offered their help - we will shout as an when we need it - and to everyone thanks so much for your continuous support through this very exciting time - I am getting all giddy about it now - just so very exciting!!!!
I am also looking forward to the open day - did I mention we have 2 remarkable demonstrators coming for the day!!!!
The new creating Keepsake magazine turned up today and its another fabulous edition with some great ideas and inspirations. In my opinion this is a benchmark magazine with some of the most up to date work in - well put it this way I bought my own copy today.
Well that's it for today - as always much to do!
take care
Sam xxx
Monday, June 23, 2008
Manic Monday
Here we are again - how are you all - 6 days left - CRAAAAAAZY!!!!
Ok so first of all hope your all well and getting some crafting done - As you can imagine we are working hard getting this new shop all ready and beautiful for you all!!!! This time next week you will all have had the opportunity to come and have a look at the new shop find your way around - we will still be finding our way then too!!!!
So bearing that in mind - who fancies a bargain? Well we do have some budget 12x12 papers in at 25 p a sheet - not bad I hear you say - well they are ten for a £1 at the moment. There are also lots in the Bargains and bulk buys so come and get them as they are going quick!
Have you had a look at the Thomas (my son has bought one of everything already) so as soon as I get time to do something with it for him I will post it and show you - this range is absolutely fantastic and alongside all of the sandylion papers the quality is brilliant!
Now as some of you may know the Zig pens (brushables/calligraphy etc) are amongst my very favourite of products to work with - well on the open day 12th of July we have one of the demonstrators from ZIG coming into the shop to demonstrate these products to you all day - this will be a great opportunity to view the range and how best to use it.
Well much to do so back to it for now
take care
Sam xxx
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
other card pics I promised
Terrible isn't it - I promise you more piccies and my computer chucks it and won't work. Seems to be working for the short term now though so here we go.
Hows things? Hope you are all well - 11 days until we move peeps and the New shop is taking shape with the men of the family (with close supervision from mum) doing the fixtures and fittings in every piece of spare time they have!
So these card pics I promised
This is Bev's card - its a decoupage watch layered up with the 3-d foam squares - as Bev's cutting out is very good it looks perfect however because of the great quality of the cutting sheets it does make it easier for those of us (me) that don't decoupage too brilliantly!
ok my card now
Ok so it was A5 with papers from the Retro stack cut and layered with a heat embossed birthday stamp and some border stamps.
Well there we go that's it for the cards - we were all very pleased with what we came up with - and luckily Dad seemed to like them too!
So who hasn't got a Cricut? more importantly who wants one? All very cryptic I hear you say. So with that if you would like the chance to WIN A CRICUT personal cutting system then on the open day we will be running a competition for you to win this item. Also between you and me I might have heard her say that there could also be second prize of a Cuttlebug - that is 2 Major prizes that could be yours on just entering a competition!
Also the boxes of new products have been rolling in so as of the 1st of July these will be available at the new premises!!!! I'll be updating you on the move every day now and let you know how things are going - remember we only close for 1 day so no loss of service or supplies.
As always take care
Sam xxx
Thursday, June 12, 2008
It's Daddy's Birthday
Nice and straight forward using black and white layers. I have cut out the Happy birthday from a Scrapbook page (any greeting would work) and then just used some Glittered letters for Alex's pet name for his grandad - Grampy!!
Next up is the Voucher Bev made for his pressie (we are clubbing in for his pressie but I wasn't genius enough to come up with such an idea)
Printed on some nice cardstock and glittered letters for the heading - brilliant!
I will add some more pictures of the other cards tomorrow - I think they are fab.
Also before I nip off just a quick reminder that there are still bargains to be had in both the clearance and bulk buys sections and as I have said before these are on a first come first serve basis so get in quick.
Right past my bedtime!
Take Care
Sam xxx
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Could someone stop time please? no? OK well we'll just carry on as we are you will all know by now we are in the process of relocating the shop to the most beautiful of places but as you can imagine its taking its time and toll on everyone and there's still all the normal jobs to be done. With that in mind can I just say a great big "YOU'RE FABULOUS" to mum and Bev - they really do work so hard!!!
Right then today..........well the shop was awash with babies - so with this in mind I was having a good look at the Nana's kids baby papers - they are wonderful! Again another wonderful creation from the DCWV collection! I mean they do these ranges in 12x12, 8x8 and 6x4 so there really is something for the card makers and the scrapbookers amongst you. They are classic in the manner that they are sectioned into mainly blue or pink but I think they give the scope for so much whilst retaining the essence of what they are.
Half way through the year now....who's done their Christmas cards. I've done a few but need to obviously do more however I quite like the Maime by Anna Griffin papers for this even better as they are 20% off at the moment. They have some fantastic embellishments to go with them too so that makes the cards come together quicker also.
Well on that note ladies and gents I shall be off.
Take Care
Sam xxx
P.S Don't forget to put the 12th July in your diaries for the Open Day!!!!
Monday, June 02, 2008
I'm back!!!
Now I did have a little spending spree of my own last week and got some along with the Grungeboard Alpha's at the weekend and here is what I came up with at our monthly crop yesterday..............
I found this a great range to match her perfectly golden coat and sparkly eyes - it was very emotional but I feel that these are some of the best pages I have accomplished not only with pictures of the cutest dog in the world but with some of the most perfect products on the market right now.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
ello ello ello
Hoping I find you all well.
Well then guys - what have you been up to. Today I have been making many preparations for the move and open day. There promises to be some fantastic things going on - all of which I am very excited.
Have you seen the new cuttlebug storage - its there is a great little binder bag and the pages are available as extras so that you can customise it dependant on the folders and dies that you have and purchase in future.
Also another mention for the Bulk Buys section - we are adding products to this all the time to offer you the best prices we can - some fantastic bargains on some great items.
I think I mentioned this in an earlier post but if there are any products that you want to see that haven't heard us mention - drop us a line - we are in the throws of ordering new lines so let us know - you never know we may already have it on order but if we know you want it then we can give you some idea of when we will have it.
Well as I say hope your all well
Take care
Sam xxx
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Well look what came out of a box in the shop today............................. got it - New Keepsake boards. They are great - we will endeavour to get some samples sorted for you to look at soon but just wanted to show it to you. The rest of the Keepsake boards and the tools can be found by clicking here.
Whats happened to the weather? Not very impressive is it!!!! Although it does mean that it means I can't just lay about in the sunshine - so some scrapping should get done. Today we have been adding products to the Bulk buy section I talked about the other day - can I also just mention the Oscrap chipboard in there is great to work with its these that I used on this page.............
.........the star on this page isn't in this set however. These have been coloured with the gold Brilliance Ink which is available in both standard and dew drop size pads.
Hope your all keeping well.
Take care
Sam xxx
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I'm liking this weather!!! Anywayhow the devil are we? Well I had a fabulous day - had a couple of reps in ordered some new things and we have "me mum and Bev" been eyeing up some new bits and pieces for after the move. All I can say is I got sooooooooo excited when I saw some'll understand when you see them!!!
Also been carrying on with my Jolly Nation - I knew there was a lot to get through and am really enjoying it - shhhhh don't tell mum though - just kidding she knows I love it.
Ok so I thought I would show you another of the pages I have created - its fairly basic but has what I think is a great effect so here goes........
The lettering is by Maya Road the New York Lowercase I have inked it with the Brilliance Dew drops. The patterend paper is by Sandylion from the Tropical Paradise Range - I picked the one that suited my picture the most (thats me and Alex incase you were wondering) The flowers are out of the Daisy punch by Woodware with a small jewel sticker in the centre.
Well can you believe it I had a day off yesterday where I didn't go to the shop ( only because I was waiting in for a workman) but they had a delivery without me!!! And in that delivery was some great things - including the Cuttlebug Storage Binder - I dont even have a cuttlebug of my own and I want one (got a bit of a thing for bags) all joking aside its a cracking little storage case with the inserts available dependant on what dies/templates you have. Also the Disney sets for the cuttlebug - very nice indeed.
Well I think thats about me for another night - I shall get some more pictures to you soon.
Take Care
Sam xxx
Monday, May 12, 2008
Grungy Monday
Can you imagine my excitement when a box full of Grungeboard turned up today. Theres allsorts its fantastic heres a look at a page I completed with one of my pieces
The blue Arrow is out of the harlequin elements - as I say brilliant and with them being textured they are good to colour - I coloured this one with the Colorbox Chalk Eyes.
So then now you all know we are on the move and I am getting more excited by the day. Now as you can imagine we will be getting some fantastic new products for the launch and the open day. Bearing that in mind we want to give you the customer the opportunity to get your hands on some of our great stock at lower prices so to take advantage of this take a look at the Bulk Buy section - All of these links I have added are available from the home page too - including the clearance section also. I was having a good sort out down there today and Bev was marching round grabbing things to add to the Bulk buy section. There are some fab bits and pieces there so grab it while its there.
Well guys hope your all well - still haven't seen any of your work yet so don't be shy send us some pictures.
Take care
Sam xxx
Sunday, May 11, 2008
We're moving!!
For those of you who haven't seen it there is a page on the website regarding our move click here to take a look.
Aside from all that things are still busy as ever - yesterday was fantastic - great to see some new faces again and like always the regulars. Yesterday's project was making a fantastic mini book - my signature Pink and Black - made out of several squares and linked together - as soon as its finished I will take a pic and let you have a look - its a project that will soon be available as a workshop - its great fun and once you get going makes a lot more sense - lots of fun with co-ordinating papers and embellishments.
Today has been our monthly crop I managed 2 pages which I am really pleased with. Again will sort my pics out and let you have a look. I used the crate paper Zoom range and the Around the Block horsey papers. Both of these ranges are double sided and that said give ultimate versatility. A lot of people (I am also guilty of this occasionally) tend not to look on the other side of papers - what I mean is we see the side on top and if we don't like it move on to look at something else - when in fact the other side can be so different - like I say take a good look its a nice surprise sometimes.
Right then girls n guys its past my bedtime.
Take care
Sam xxx
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Wow at the Weather.
Sorry its been a while but we have been so busy I haven't even had time to blog - hoping your all well and had a fantastic bank holiday.
OK so today I have been up to a variety of things - more of the Jolly Nation decoupage papers to be cut out and put together. They are so cute as I think I have mentioned before - we are putting together the Sample boards for the open day in July. Its going to be nice for you guys if you can see them done and also for our newer and new customers to see them completed - gives us the opportunity to show you in a clear and concise manner.
Then a little delivery turned up - and OH MY GOODNESS its the new Dovecraft packs of paper. Now the one range, Hint of Pink, is so cute - its pink and black which as some of you will know are my signature colours then the Fantasy Range which is sumptuous pinks, peaches with scrolls and fairies - its truly magical with the additional benefit of being so affordable. For those of you that would like a peek in case you missed it off the website click here there are also links on that page for the wonderful brads, ribbons and shaker stickers that are also available in this range.
Mum and I have been practising some new paper folding techniques to share with you soon that can be used as a technique to create cute little mini books ........... watch this space.
Again hope your all well
Take care
Sam xxx
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Sunny-ish Saturday
So what are we all working on then - I am currently using the Laura Ashley 2x12 strips on both scrapbook pages and a card - they are ideal for both! I am using both the contemporary and the traditional - just the strips at the moment. The full range that goes with this is exquisite - fabric covered brads and chipboard - all delightful.
As I mentioned last week the open day is currently being planned - we are well underway on what we will be doing although I can't give you any details still - sworn to secrecy you see - I think you will all be more than impressed with it and see some great techniques demonstrated. Just a snippet though - I was earwiggin and heard mum mention that there are going to me Make & Takes going on - she couldn't swear me to secrecy on that - she didn't know I heard it!!! lol
Anyone doing any wedding planning at the moment? We have got a fantastic range of cards in suitable for Save The Date, Invitations, Reply Cards - All the necessaries for your wedding stationary. Some lovely stamps that are themed on the same lines - again in the clear woodware range but some nice wooden stamps too.
Well I hope you all have a lovely weekend
Sam xxx
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Wet Wednesday
Can I just firstly point out I am fed up of the rain already so if someone could sort that out for me then that would be fantastic!!!
Today we were busy packing orders this morning - nice to see you getting the benefit of the lower postage rates at the moment. the nice thing is having customers so far and wide - long way up and a long way down.
Whilst I was in the scrapbooking area of the shop this morning I had a good look at the DCWV Spring Stack - its gorgeous!!! lots of pinks and lemons - very sherbetty (if that's a word) almost edible - I think because it comes in all the sizes (as with all of the stacks made by DCWV) it just makes it available to everyone in the paper crafting hobby i.e card makers and scrapbookers. I think that can often be a misconception - scrapbooking papers are for scrapbooking .....and so on and so forth. I think nowadays the wonderful papers and cards on the market these days are useable for all sorts of papercraft - no limits as it were.
The other thing we have (as a team) been looking at and using the last couple of days are the Woodware unmounted stamps. These are sheets of clear unmounted stamps that used in conjunction with an acrylic block and coupled with heat embossing/watercolours and various other mediums create wonderful images. Obviously with them being clear they have the benefit of seeing where you are stamping. They consistently give a crisp and clear image with clear lines for colouring and embellishing. The other benefit is being able to use the word stamps in this range for bending round any corners or apertures you may be working with.
Well that's me for another day - hope your all doing something crafty
take care
Sam xxx
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Totally Tuesday
Firstly please accept my sincere apologies for not writing sooner - been v v busy with one thing and another.
Well can I just say that the new Tim Holtz grungeboard is the most fantastic thing ever - I gave in and took some home at the weekend - its fantastic to work with and the fact that its textured gives you so much scope within the colourings sphere. I have used several pieces of mine already and will definately be getting some more.
I also tried some of those HOTP silk flowers - great quality with strong colours that are easily matched with various papers and inks - I managed to match up the colours to these very well with the cats eye chalk inks - good fun playing with colours and guys don't be scared to throw in some mad colours together - they often contrast a lot better than you would think!
Yesterday we had a brilliant medallions workshop in and the ladies that attended were fabulous and took home a wonderful creation - Nice work ladies!
There was also a delivery of a great little magazine - Creating Keepsakes - some fantastic ideas and inspirations - once again try and remember the things in these magazines are there to inspire you and give you a point in the right direction - aswell as going along with what they do and recreating their images and items - do take them and produce your own spin on it - and don't be shy send us some piccies - we like to see what you do with the things you take home from the shop.
Well I will be back sooner than you know it so take care and happy crafting.
Sam xxx
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Workshop Wednesday
Well today was very productive - we have completed the workshop lists and got them uploaded to the website - Bev and I managed to get it all sorted out. I have also managed to get more of the Jolly Nation decoupage sheets cut out and layered up - they are so nice and the quality is fabulous - very nice designs bringing even more versatility to the range.
Oh that embellishment storage I told you about yesterday - here's a piccie............
See lots of pockets and cubby's for all of the crafty bits we all use.
Have you seen those new pre-cut waterfall card sheets - all the ingredients and instruction sheet for a waterfall card - they also have co-ordinating backing sheets which go alongside some of the die cut decoupage sheets that we stock - these create lovely cards and are suitable for all levels of capability.
Was nice to see some of our regular customers in today and equally nice to see new faces and welcome them to the hobby we are lucky to have some of the best customers around. Also because I love talking about the shop and different aspects of the crafts we do seeing new people is fab because I have probably chattered the ears off everyone else - I just get so excited though those of you that know me will already know that.
Well that's me done for another day
Take care
Sam xxx
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
It's Tuesday!
Well yesterday was so busy I didn't even get time to blog and today has been my day off so its sit down and tell you all about it time.
Yesterday was mad busy we had a couple of deliveries - some of those beautiful twinklette pens they are fabulous and can be used for plenty of different things - journalling, edging even just writing cards. Also have you seen those new Oscrap Embellishment Organisers - wow they are great - I keep thinking of all the things I have which could go in them. The K & Co Mira papers are back in stock again - so lovely with the die cut pages and the different effects when placed ontop of other colours - possibilities are endless!
Also lots going on with regards to new projects for workshops and the arrival of our craft club - yet to be named. Our workshops are solely dedicated to what you want to learn and are bespoke to your needs and requirements - all fully adaptable. With that in mind if there is something you want to learn about but haven't seen advertised on our workshop page - contact us and tell us what you want - for those of you who haven't been to a workshop at Bee Crafty we run very informal but informative workshops for groups of 4 to give the maximum benefit to you the customer - they are based in the shop so all of the products are on hand with the advice of all of the staff - you are taught by one of us in the shop - with the occasional snippet from whoever is making the half time drinks.
Who would like to be taking part in competitions and online projects - this is something in the pipeline that we want your input.
As you know we are dedicated to bringing you - our customers - the best service at the best prices - we pride ourselves in being able to pass on the deals we get from our suppliers to you - it's why you come to us after all! Thankyou for being such lovely people to work for.
Lastly for today who has attended our open days in the past? They were good weren't they and guess what ........ theres going to be another - provisional date 12th July 2008 - its going to be the best open day Bee Crafty has ever seen - keep your eyes peeled on the website and blog for details - you will not be dissappointed.
Take Care
Sam xxx
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Well Holly has decided to be camera shy and won't let me take any pictures - so I need to do some starsky and hutch style manouvres to get the snap shot - also its something for me to scrap then - two birds one stone and all that. The picture is her pre-haircut she's like a blonde nasher!!
I have been out for a lovely walk with my dogs this morning the weather is minging but was nice just tootling round the village.
I am still sorting out my craft things for the Cyber Crop next weekend - not the hour or so job I thought it would be - me thinks I might have a bit too much stuff - no wait is that possible? I mean thats like saying I have too many handbags or too many pairs of shoes - all of which my darling hubby Mark would probably agree with but come on girls you know its not possible.
Well I suppose I better go and get some housework done before I set to work onthe craft stuff again - have a nice day.
Sam xxx
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Sorry didn't get round to posting yesterday - I'm a bad person I know!! lol
Well yesterday was good had a workshop in for a project - we were going to use the Creative Expressions Medallion style box stamps - it was fabulous and the ladies made some lovely pieces and used every colouring medium we have so think they enjoyed it too!!! You always know its a good class when the table is completely submerged in stuff!!!
That was pretty much my day at work yesterday as I only work until half 1 on a Friday which isn't normally not set in stone but yesterday was as I had to get my Holly dog to the hairdressers - she now looks like she should be in the front of a Shortbread tin bless her at the tender age of 15 and a half she is still so so beautiful!! I'll get a piccy of her today and post again later!!
One thing I did manage to notice in the shop and get excited about is the new grungeboard - my word its gorgeous - but the eternal dilemma of which one to have continues!
I am planning to have a good tidy up this weekend and get some things ready for the UKS cybercrop next weekend - I am working on the Saturday but from 8pm next friday night its scrap scrap scrap - I am very excited as this is the first time I have done it.
With that in mind I shall go and get on with it and post again later.
Have a nice day everyone
Sam xxx
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Thursdays Thinkpad
Well I am currently in - gotta do something cool mode - now I know its almost the middle of the night and certainly way past my bedtime but it all seems to be coming together!!!
Can't say what yet - it would ruin the surprise - plus i can hardly tell you guys before I have actually told or shown Mum & Bev & Ady!!! What I can say is I took Toby (my springer spaniel) for a ride to the shop today and got some mountboard and a poky tool - make of that what you will!
Can I also just say that whilst i was in Evesham today I took Toby up to the Dogs Trust (where we had him from) and they were all so pleased to see he was ok and getting on well and it was lovely that not only they remember him but they want to see how they are getting on so in 2 weeks I am taking the other one up there to see them. Oh and my Holly dog is having her hair done tomorrow - lifes little pleasures eh!!
Anyway its only a quickie just thought I would let you know what I am up to - will get some piccies on of the masterpiece, should it be granted such a title, as and when it is finished.
Take care now...
Sam xxx
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Well guess what I didn't have time to do today.....................yep you got it the Window - all that means is I was far too busy with other stuff though - honest it does!
We had some fabby white pens turn up today - they will be on the website soon I am sure - Bev is hot on the trail - we were talking to new suppliers today too so that was very exciting - you know how I get excited by new stuff!!!!
Then we had another delivery of card - don't you think that pearlised card is fabulous - I mean you can just dress it up or down to suit - so well suited to so many different things! I've also totally fell in love with Stampbord again - anyone had a go with this yet? If not have a bash its great for allsorts so far I've done coasters, card toppers, jewellery - ooooh its yummy.
I have to admit I did spend ten minutes pulling faces at Abi today she's so cute I could just eat her up!!! I'll refrain though - she's better to look at I'm sure!
Right thats your lot for today - I am off to think of something amazing - just dont know what yet!!
Sam xxx
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Well its been a couple of days - the voice is coming back but still very frank butcher-esque!!! lol
Sunday was hilarious as we spenf the best part of the day playing the Wii in Mum's living room - mum almost won the 100 metres - thats good going ya know!! Then Alex whooped mum and Mark at the Javelin - was wonderful had a good giggle.
Was working yesterday morning as I normally do and managed to cut out another section of the Jolly Nation papers - those new animal ones are gorgeous - well they are all gorgeous - its the new people ones tomorrow!!!! I have a little display board that I am slowly but surely getting through so will be sorted soon.
In with Bev and Abi tomorrow - I am going to try and get that window sorted!!!!! I am determined to do it so if you could all will me along tomorrow to get it done that would be muchly appreciated.
Can anyone explain to me why it waits until 3.05pm (when I walk to school) to rain......its happened about 4 times in the last week now!!!! grrrrrrrr I woulodn't mind too much but the weather was so nice I decided to wash the sofa cushion covers so they aren't going to be able to0 dry outside now................don't ya just love nature.
Right I am off to have a bash at a new sample for the workshops so you guys have a nice afternoon and I'll talk to you tomorrow night about how tomorrow was.
S xxx
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Squeaky Saturday
Well its been a funny couple of wise its just been bizarre!!!!!
It's been my darling hubby's birthday today - 28!!!! bless him - Happy Birthday Marky xx
Well its like delivery central in the shop yesterday another 4 boxes turned up while Mum was teaching a workshop yesterday - so I (very maturely) taunted her through the window with all the ooooh's and aaaaaaaah's and holding things up at the window doing the ner ner face lol (i'm so grown up)
More of that Laura Ashley I was talking about the other day - including some gawwwwwwwwwwwjus chipboard - the temptation is almost too much! I didn't even get to finish emptying the boxes - Mum and Barbs (Laura) had to do it today! bless em
As for this blinkin cold I have had I now have no voice again (hence the squeaky title for todays post) - for those of you that actually know me you will know that I may as well have my legs cut off when i can't speak!!! I mean its awful!!! Although when someone phoned my house yesterday they asked for Mrs Green (me) I said "speaking" they said "no MRS GREEN" ha ha ha I sound like a man - marvellous lol
Ooooooooh I didn't tell you about our chinese the other night - Well as I said it was Nan's Birthday - had a fabulous night and the food was lovely (I thought so anyway) Nan had a great time and my cousin and I conspired to get one of a group of guys to give her a kiss - so she went over and aksed them and sure enough one by one they all came over - was wonderful - Me and Bev did some awesome dance moves - strictly come dancin haven't got anything on us lol
Right Lee Evans (a comedy genius) is coming on so I am off to watch him - have a great weekend everyone.
Sam xxx
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Its Th Th Th Thursday!!!!
Well what am I supposed to do its so exciting and theres an order here thats just arrived full of goodies ad its very exciting!!! Bev And Ady are rummaging throught the boxes .........
to the delerious sounds of oooh's and ahhhh's - there must be some oober goodies in there - I already have a little pile of things I am taking home with me - thickers and papers and allsorts - am feeling lots better today - thank goodness, not that you would know because my voice sounds a bit like frank butchers to be honest!!!
Anyway inside the magic box look what else we found .......
Aren't they just fabby!!!!!!!
Well we are all off out tonight for Nan's birthday - bless her - going for chinese buffet so don't be surpised if we can't walk in the morning for fear of how much we've eaten tonight - so much so that we are eating all fruit today so that we can have a pig out being the good girl that I am though I am driving - saves me getting drunk and waffling in the workshop in the
Right with all that in mind I better go and make her a card - pressies are sorted!!
Have a good day everyone
Sam xxx
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Wednesdays witterings
How are you all? Well today at the shop has been good -
I have been doing allsorts - including making faces at Abi when she gets a bit fed up - and also doing some Jolly Nation Decoupage.
I'm in desperate need of doing the Shop Window - just never seems to be the time but we have a master plan - which we will hopefully execute in the next couple of days!!!
I've been eyeing up that Laura Ashley again today.........what to do what to do!!
Is anyone doing the UK Scrappers Cybercrop?.... I am its the first one I have done before and am well excited - just wish I could shake this cold off to feel well enough to join in with the build up to it ....sniff sniff!
Oh nearly forgot - 4.45 the day is nearly over I am snuggled up with Abi after Bev has just changed and BLEEEUUUUGHHHHHHH she has a sicky on me!!! niiiiiiice.
on that note I shall depart
Take Care
Sam x
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Afternoon's been a while (Sam here incase you hadn't guessed)
SO sorry its been so long but hey I'm here now and will endeavour to do my very best to come and talk to you every cople of days.
Have you seen those new Laura Ashley papers - wit woo they are gorgeous - I am now torn between those and the DCWV Rockstar stuff although I haven't comitted to either - but I think my scrapbooking is getting better and in reality the Laura Ashley ones would be more useable for me and the things I scrap plus can make some lovely cards with them - the Rockstar is just so me though - whats a girl to do!!!!!!!!!
Guess who I had to my house to play yesterday ........... yep Abigail - she's my new best friend - the most gorgeous baby girl ever ever!!!! We went for a walk to the post office - goodness me its been that long since i drove a buggy - need some L plates it was like Bumper Cars! But got to school to pick Alex up and he was so so excited to see her - without question he adores her!!! See photo!!!!
Well hope this keeps you all entertained in the short term an I promise to write again soon
Sam xxx
Monday, February 04, 2008
She's here................

Daddy's Little Angel
Friday, February 01, 2008
Thank Crunchie it's Friday.......
We've had a good week though, Sam and Ady have given the shop a good sort and we have just about got the stock into the right place's before the new stuff starts arriving.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Well another day nearly over....
Anyway we're getting there. I appologise if we are a bit slow at updating things but I'm still a 2 fingered typist and Sam just get's on with the shop thing's single handed mostly. It was nice to see a few old faces today after their Christmas breaks and we're looking forward to all our friend's who holiday in the area and visit now that Spring is nearly here................well it is, isnt it?
There are a few new workshop's on the site here, but were keeping it quiet for now as we're not sure what's happening with Bev, and yes - there's no news..
How nice is it though to come out of work and it's only just getting dark, so I hope your all getting on with your Valentine's and Easter cards and those of you who do Scrapbooking, have you finished your Christmas layout's? If not we still have a few of the DCWV Christmas paper packs left in the sale so it might be worth popping over here to have a lookie.
Righty ho I'm off, hopefully catch you all again soon, byee
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Nothing Yet Folk's......................

Monday, January 14, 2008
Ticking Time Bomb!!

Yep thats me, I am now two weeks away from my official due date, however today is the first date I was given so every time I trwinge or move everyone around me panics. It's quite good fun actually Mwa ha ha ha ha ha. Right down to business, I am still drowning under the post festive paperwork that is seriously mounting up over my desk, but am still doing all I can to add new bargains to the January Sale, please note that these are only while stocks last so if you want something you are ebst getting it asap, and there is a new pick up in store optioin at the checkouot so if you know you want something buy it over the web and we can puit it aside for you. I am still adding products to the web that re in the shop but haven't made it to cyberspace yet, please bear with me I am a human bowling ball at the minute but I am going as fast as I can, and I've set up a scanner at home so as soon as I do pop I can still keep going from home, as the said on Record Breakers "Dedication's what you need", (I loved that show) I'm also going to try and get more samples on too, with a bit of luck and a little less judgemtn I'm hoping to get more crafting done at home this year so will post pictures of what I do, this is a layout of Dave that I did last week, it's the Paper Mania Papers, Scrapbook Sally Blossoms and the buttons from the big woodware bags. Right I'm off to do some more web additions, if anyone has any queries or questions you can e-mail phone or leave a comment on here and we'll get back to you asap.
See you soon
Monday, January 07, 2008
Good Morning
Can you believe the Easter Eggs are on the shelves already, well yes as crafters we know how far in advance we have to work, i.e. we know some of you will start work on your crimbly cards soon. However for those of us who are a little less forward the Valentines,Easter, & Mothers Day goodies are starting to arrive which is great, lots of gorgeous bright colours, and flowers designs. We've had an enormous range of pop out decoupage in for those who like it, it's just taking me a while to get on the web. For those who are a little sceptical about pop out decoupage I completely understand where you are coming form as that is exactly how we used to feel about the stuff, but I have to say these are very cleanly cut which means a fantastic effect without all the trimming. We still love traditional decoupage though and I'll be trying to get more of that on.
Okay today I am 37 weeks, which makes me officially full term and therefore the possibility of me popping any day now is increasing by the hour (aaaarrrrgggghhhh), so I will keep trying to get as much on the site as possible while I'm here, however everyone here will be able to help with queries so don't hesitate to phone or e-mail.
Right I'd best stop talking about the new products and go and actually get them on the site. But to show you an example of the pop out decoupage here's a motorbike one mum did recently, so simple but excellent all the same.
See you later

Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Well here we go again . . . . .
So did you all got what you wanted for Christmas, we were all very good this year and decided we would only buy presents that were wanted or we knew the person would like as you know what it's like the day after Christmas and you have a bin bag of stuff you know will never see the light of day ever again, so we were really well behaved and I didn't even gorge myself on chocolate (there's not much room left in here to be fair:) )
Would you like to see my Christmas pressie from Dave

Isn't it gorgeous, he proposed on Christmas day under this big bunch of mistletoe he'd hung up in the living room, and I of course said I would (by the way that was after I said that if he was joking I'd kill him), so it's all going on at the moment.
So here we go again 2008 has begun and I really hope it's a good one for us all, so good luck and we hope to see you throughout the year :)
Bee Crafty