Sorry about the mini blog drought but I am back and ready to answer your questions, last week after Sam left us a blog I've had quite a few e-mails saying I should explain who we all are so here we go.
Julie - the boss of Bee Crafty, but because she doesn't like anything like paperwork or VAT etc, she just loves to craft and show people how to craft and talk about craft and you get the idea. Anyway because she doesn't like the "business end" I (Bev) work in the shop with her doing all the admin, web building etc and I'm Julie's youngest daughter.
Bill - Mr Julie and Dad, he's the bestest dude in the whole world (obviously) and aside form having a "proper" job can be found at Bee Crafty most weekends doing maintenance shop fittings making tea and lunches and generally looking after us, he doesn't craft himself (however has dabbled at some digi) but does like playing with the gadgets and has a great eye for good products so we do take his advice (even if we pretend we don't)
Bev (that's me) - Like I said I'm Julie's youngest daughter I've been at the shop for over two years now after getting a B.Sc.(Hons) in Biological Sciences (very useful I hear you cry) I went ot Plymouth Uni which was fabby, I live my my other half Dave, we bought our first house round about this time last year and I'm loved up to the point that I can't stand myself sometimes :)I love scrapbooking and stamping, and think it's perfectly natural to be addicted to and love to stroke paper!
Sam - My Big Sister and Julie's eldest daughter. Sam is married with the m,ost gorgeous little boy who adorns most of Sam's mine and mum's scrapbook pages, Sam's a real girly girl whereas I'm not so much. Her husband Mark works with my fella at a well known car dealership in Stratford. Sam loves pink and has more clothes, shoes and handbags than she'll ever need, but I love it because she lets me borrow them :) and Sam will be coming to work with us more permanently from September.
Ady - Ady joined Bee Crafty around the same time as me has gorgeous red hair, and is very talented with textiles, we are paper craft but ady's experience with colour and texture is a real asset when people are looking for inspiration with a project PLUS she can change till rolls in a flash! She's starting to get into Scrapbooking and like me likes to collect paper and stroke it for a while before using it. Ooh and Ady is also the 21st Century equivalent of Annie Oakly and Barbara Good, she has a menagerie of animals including pigs, lambs, ducks etc, and she is the bestest shot at the air rifle league.
Laura - Laura's a newby to the shop working Saturdays don't know much yet but I'll tell you what I do know she's getting married soon, made all her own Wedding Stationery and is absolutely addicted to the DCWV Once Upon a Time Range she absolutely loves it, she's also super cheery, and I have on good authority a dab hand at learning the new things that come in.
What we all have in common is we love what we do and we always promise never to let anyone buy something they don't need and if you ever have any queries on how something works we will be more than happy to show you, after all it gives us an excuse to play :) AND we're great at making a cuppa.
Any othe questions be sure to let me know
Bev x
Friday, June 29, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Hiya, Sams gonna blog!!

How's everyone doing I hope your all okay and managing to keep relatively dry, I've got a bit of a "treat for you today, I'm always telling you how mental Sam is so I'm gonna drag her in here and do the blog so you can see for yourself. That's me and Sam she's the eldest (and don't I like telling) Okay here she is
Well don't I feel like i've got something to live up to!!! Today has been relatively calm for me - i have been behaving and looking after Beth the lovely work experience girly - awesome cos she's been helping me get the oodles of stuff that came from Die Cuts with a View & Dovecraft out onto the shelves.
Then she got ooober excited at working the till - oh to be 15 again!!!! On a funny note i did almost break my ankle falling over ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!!! how entriely ridiculous yet very funny so i jumped round the shop shoutin LOTS OF PAIN LOTS OF PAIN - fortunately this was before the shop opened so no-one apart from Bev heard me - the sympathy was amazing - she looked me up and down and that was about my lot and then when she realised I had actually hurt myself she did jump up and check - by which time I was putting the kettle on for a brew!!! gotta have a brew first crack or the world stops you know!
Then came the staple diet of Darylea sarnies for lunch - kids will do anything for Dairylea ya know. Managed some frazzles too - oh and while i'm on the subject why are packets of frazzles so small now - they were MASSIVE when i was a kid - and no its not cos i'm bigger - you ask bev she'll tell u I haven't grown since i was about 7!!!!
Does anyone remember Krypton Factor??? wellllll putting together the new stand for the peel offs (which are BOGOF i may add) did we ever have a task - sorted in the end though - i went for the brute force and ignorance thingy and all seems to be almost there now - i'll get bev to keep u updated on what i will now name "spinnergate".
oooooooooh its hometime in a few minutes and i haven't tidied up behind the till - i am a bit obsessive about that - and bizarrely i quite like the washing up so i'll squeeze that in too!!!!
S xxxxxxxxxxxx
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Take Care everyone.
Just wanted to say a quick take care to everyone is in the floods at the moment, we've been lucky here so far but with more rain forecast for tomorrow, everyone be careful.
Just incase anyone wants it the floodline number is: 0845 988 1188
Floodline website
Be Back again later
Just incase anyone wants it the floodline number is: 0845 988 1188
Floodline website
Be Back again later
Monday, June 25, 2007
Persisting it down?!?!? Well No Not really.

Well we were warned of gale force winds raging torrents of rain a,d thunder and lightening so what have we got lovely sunny spells but a bit overcast every now and then, what did I tell ya they just don't know :). For everybody who has got this weather I really do feel for you we had the storms overnight and crikey wasn't it hammering down and the porch of the shop was ever so soggy this morning glad we've got the inner door otherwise we would have been water logged. So anyway I hope you all had a good weekend despite it being soggy, what did you get up to, well I was in the shop Saturday and yesterday I did . . . . . . . .well very little ot be honest, we popped into Redditch for a little mosey around the new cinema looks ever so good or it could just be that I really like the dark blue glittery tiles, mega groovy :). Well we have added a new sketch for today and also due to a couple of ladies that have had to change their plans we have got a couple of spaces left on the crop for Sunday you can give me a ring or book over the web, and also sorry for anyone who has tried to pay by paypal there was a problem between the cart connection and paypal but I've fixed it all now. It's because we changed form regular paypal to express which means it outs all your details in for you automatically which means less typing WOOHOO. Anyway I'm going to start getting tidied up and then do the days last run to the post office.
Edited to say : I've just been outside and nearly got blown away :) so it looks like I spoke to soon SILLY BEV!!!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Did it get better?

Well no not at first, the order that I was telling you about yesterday well it turned up this morning as I hoped BUT it was missing the two vital products in the order that were the reason for the whole order in the first place. I tell you when I saw the parcel force man arrive with one little box my heart sank (because of the box not the man :) )however after a small rant and a little rave at the company I've got them to send it direct to the customer saying that if I treated my customers the wait they treat me blah blah blah you know the drill, anyway seemed to get the results so there you go. What about this weather though all over the place it was hammering it down this morning when I went to pick mum up it's been on and off all day I went to the butchers to pick some faggots up for tea and I was roasting when I got back to the shop sun splitting the sky, like thee BBC weather lady says it's going to be unsettled, and we all know what that means basically they don't having a flipping clue what the weather is going to do and apparently it's going to be like that for a week ah well what better excuse than to stay inside and get some crafting done, only tomorrow night I'm supposed to be going to a barbecue, think I might be getting a bit wet :) Ne'er mind it's all in the name of good fun. Well tomorrow it is me, Laura and my big sis Sam in the shop so pop in and say hello, and if you have seen them pop over ot the site and look at the lush papers I added today Paper Adventures Paper Heart YUMMY!
Hopefully see or speak to you over the weekend
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Picture it Sicily

Well hello again this disappearing flit is becoming a bit of a habit with me isn't it I promise to do better, well this week I have added a few new things to the site including a fabby new sketch for you to follow which I have samples of in the shop just not got them on the site yet (naughty Bev) but it is a good sketch so have a go and show me what you've done, also envelope punches and the new Making Cards arrived today so that's good too. I have spent the morning on to the phone to some somewhat daft suppliers, okay picture it Sicily 1963 we make orders write in big letters on the top URGENT NEEDED ASAP!!!! now for me that means pick pack and send as soon as possible, well apparently I'm wrong it means no matter how many exclamation points or e-mails you send until you phone up and get your blood pressure up we#ll just keep it here GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! But at least it woke them up :) and everythings on it's way now (or so they say at least) honestly if we were as bad with you you'd say bu&&er off and I wouldn't blame you either:). So come on what news is there form outside they mayhem and rush of Bee Crafty, I live ion a cupboard I need out side info, so whatever you've got gimme gimme gimme, right I'd better get off I'm adding a new range of brads and eyelets to the site this afternoon and as usual any questions or queries about anything (including my mad mind) or even if you just want to say hello the shop e-mail is
Monday, June 18, 2007
I'm BACK!!!!! did you miss me????
Nah thought not :) Hi everyone how are you doing? After a week of the icks I am back broght and booming hope you haven't been too lost without me, but I'd thought I'd better pop on and let you know the blog hasn't been abandoned I've just been unable to get to it as I've been off bad for the last week, so as you can imagine there is tonnes to do here and I promise as soon as it is done I willgive you a proper update, but first I have to go and sort the Large Punches page on the web as apparently it's gone a bit doo lally tap in my absence so I'll get too it and see you later
Friday, June 08, 2007
I got that Friday feeling . . .
Now not that one that's wehey it's the weekend, more of a What a week I could sleep for a month Friday feeling, it has been a bit of a mental one this week sometimes in a good way at other just me generally losing my mind :) Well I was a bit late adding things to the website today as I have been teaching this morning, CreaEasy chalking templates which is always good fun I love chalks I think it's because it's one of those colourings all of us have and none of use, so I like showing people what you can do with them, however I have managed to add the green crop a dile and the Fancy Pants Mulberry Road to the site which is groovy. I am going to have to apologise for any of my spelling mistakes I have had to retype the last couple of sentences about three times (including this one!). It's mum, ady and Laura in the shop tomorrow so if you can pop on and have a browse, I won't be here tomorrow as I am off to ALTON TOWERS woohoo, with Dave Sam Alex and Mark it's going to be so cool, I'm not even that bothered about going on anything I'm going to take loads of photos and scrap loads. Ooh for anyone who is popping in we have got loads of the Christmas peel offs in and we will be getting more of the Christmas stock in. Well I'm off as I've got to go to the doctors and get my blood pressure checked, I live a very stressful life dontcha know :)
See you soon
Bev x
See you soon
Bev x
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Chipboard Chipboard yummy chipboard.

Today we have added some more yummy chipboard including an extension to the big board range and some fab ATD alphas, PLUS a load more Perfect Pearls which are now at a much better price too, apart from that the paperwork is now getting dangerously high as I keep getting seduced away from my desk by the arrival of boxes (ooh love new stash) and I haven't had any chance to do any of my adverts yet so I'm just here to say don't forget the sketch and I have had a beautiful layout given to me today from Karen, who has got a fabby collagey style that I just can't do and I will get a piccie for you tomorrow, well I'd better go and get it done or I'll be in trouble with the boss (yeah right)anyway huns see you later
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
My get up & go got up & WENT!!

Go on who took it, I mean I'm shattered, which is not good as I have a paperwork pile as tall as I am (and yes that is quite difficult I'm not that short!)a pile of products the other side of me to be added to the web and I haven't done my copy for those ads yet. I have however added the fabby Paper Nation Pets and Senior Men to the site as we now have the full range of Paper Nation sheets, I will be updating the other pages periodically with all the backing papers as we didn't have them all but we do now and they are yummy PLUS we've had the christmas range in they are not on the site yet but I'm hoping to get that done this week too. Isn't this sunshine nice though, I tell you though I did feel cold last night don't know why probably just me. We've had loads of deliveries today as well which means a lot of counting and ticking, so I think the best thing to do is use some double sided tape to keep my eyes open, then again maybe not. So how are you all anyway, where are my sketch gallery entries, we really want to see your work I've already had e-mails from a couple of people saying they've done it but they don't think it's good enough for the site well what can I say except don't be so daft and send me the pictures. Well I've got some orders to pack and then I'll keep going with the website, as that is much better than paperwork and I'll start that with a fresh noggin tomorrow, hope you're all having a good day
Bev x
Monday, June 04, 2007
The Sketch Gallery is Open

Okay ladies & gents the sketch gallery is Open and your first sketch has been uploaded and as you see it's a good un. This is a universal sketch that is great for cards and scrapbook pages which we think will be great for a bit of inspiration, we've added a couple of samples to the website including this fabby card. I want to see your work send it to me & don't be shy. It's been mental here today but I've got quite a bit done, booked some ads that I have to do copy for tomorrow but todya I have been concentrating mainly on the site and have put on blank books the gorgeous Fancy Pants wildheart and some BG magnetic closures, which is great but see finding all the picture for some of the products its a bloomin nightmare, right I have to go for a last dash to the Post Office.
See you later peeps & get crafting
Bev x
I'm whizzing through....
Hi everyone this is just a quick one I will be back later to show you this weeks sketch and chat a bit more, but this is just to let you know that I haven't forgotten you and I have already added three new things to the site today and I hope to do a load more by this afternoon if general office pantsness soesn't jump on the way so byyyeee for now and I'll see you later.
Bev x
Bev x
Friday, June 01, 2007
Pinch, Punch

Afternoon my bloggy friends, how are you all now the thunder has gfone and the Sun has finally reared it's head. I know where have you been you cry, well you'll be delighted to know I've been sorting and arranging the sketches adding a fabby paper range to the site and doing posters and applications form for a Saturday vacancy we have going. I'm really sorry I didn't post yesterday but the shop is manic and trust me my day was not made easier when the thunder started (mum hates in and hides away). PLUS I've done two orders for suppliers (fabby stuff coming) and mum's done two aswell so we've got loads arriving soon. I've got loads of products to scan and then turn into indicidual pictures for the web too which takes aaaagggggeeeeessssss, but it's well worth it in the end, so what have you all got planned for the weekend, I just see lots of paint in my future, my lovely OH has sanded and done two coats of gloss on all the upstairs woodwork and the bannister and is tonight staring downstairs then we can paint the walls (by the way I use the term we VERY loosely :) ). However I am in the shop tomorrow with mum so stop by and say hello and have a mooch and don't forget the shop is Open on Sunday of this week as there is the Scrapbooking Crop on. Might leave you a post tomorrow if not I'm sure Mum will post over the weekend.
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