Well we were warned of gale force winds raging torrents of rain a,d thunder and lightening so what have we got lovely sunny spells but a bit overcast every now and then, what did I tell ya they just don't know :). For everybody who has got this weather I really do feel for you we had the storms overnight and crikey wasn't it hammering down and the porch of the shop was ever so soggy this morning glad we've got the inner door otherwise we would have been water logged. So anyway I hope you all had a good weekend despite it being soggy, what did you get up to, well I was in the shop Saturday and yesterday I did . . . . . . . .well very little ot be honest, we popped into Redditch for a little mosey around the new cinema looks ever so good or it could just be that I really like the dark blue glittery tiles, mega groovy :). Well we have added a new sketch for today and also due to a couple of ladies that have had to change their plans we have got a couple of spaces left on the crop for Sunday you can give me a ring or book over the web, and also sorry for anyone who has tried to pay by paypal there was a problem between the cart connection and paypal but I've fixed it all now. It's because we changed form regular paypal to express which means it outs all your details in for you automatically which means less typing WOOHOO. Anyway I'm going to start getting tidied up and then do the days last run to the post office.
Edited to say : I've just been outside and nearly got blown away :) so it looks like I spoke to soon SILLY BEV!!!
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