Afternoon all, well I'm nearly all caught up from my weekend away there are new cards in both the regular and Christmas galleries and there is a gorgeous layout of Alex with Pluto in the scrapbooking gallery. The workshop for Frilly Quilly (see right) is the rowdiest workshop we've had in ages, Karen, Michelle and Kate are absolutely kicking up a storm and every five minutes I hear the whole workshop erupt with laughter, poor Donna (was supposed to be mine but I'm all woozy still hee hee). Honestly they are all mental, but they have brought cake MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmm. so I'm going to go and have some now, then I might try and decide what else I'm going to buy for christmas (which won't be much just checked bank euuurrrrgghhh. Remember the Cricut is here and we have one out so you can have a good look and play with it if you'd like to try before you buy and we're still doing a Christmas Card Prize, so please make sure you put some contact details on the one ou send us.
Thanks a lot and I'll see you soon (maybe tomorrow if your coming in)
'allo me darlins.- it's snufflebabe! Oh what a day we had with the frilly quilly workshop!!! As you say Bev - poor ol' Donna - I honestly don't know how she coped with us all. Well - it wasn't me playing up - it was the other two! You know me - I'm sooooo good (hee hee).
It would be really nice if we could still go out for a meal one evening before Christmas - Kate won't be able to come as she goin' to Ausi (hmmmm she could 'ave took me!) but we can have her share between us I reckon. What do you think? Ask the others.
Well I bin a staplin' away with me dirty great big stapler - cor it's brilliant - wish I'd bought it ages ago now. My youngest asked me at 5pm tonight if I could make her Pastor a 60th birthday card (hmmmm) and her friends an engagement card - huh only wants them for tomorrow morning - but this is where me great big HUGE stapler comes in!!! Don't have to bang and crash around trying to make holes anymore to put ribbon through or even use brads - no - stick a dirty great staple in. They are so effective - brilliant bit of kit I say.
Well I'd better go before I start to bore you to tears. Thanks yet again for the laughs, workshop, coffee etc and the help gettin me piggin chair in the car! If you don't mind doing that I can come and see you more often. What was that I heard you mutter???
Tata me darlin's - see you soon
Love Karen
It's me back again - I forgot to say that I hope you Bev and your Mum feel better soon. I was worried about you both as you seemed propper poorly! Take lots of care
Love Karen
Karen we will always help you with your chair you numpty, always welcome and son't anyone else believe a word of it she is definately the trouble maker
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